2009 - 2011

November 19, 2011

Our lives changed completely. I move out of our house and marriage with the dogs (Worf, Jazzy, Kira).

Sometimes too much is simply too much and when the life of the dogs is threatened, the point is reached, where one cannot stay any longer.


October 2011

Schnauzerfest is in the Pittsburgh area. We're going. Worf gets a V2 in the open class, Jazzy a V1 and best bitch.



2010 is a tough year. Healthwise and financially. Worf became seriously ill at the end of 2010 and had to spend 2 days at the clinic. We're just barely avoiding disaster.


Fall 2009

My mother comes to visit and we take the giant schnauzers a trip along the east coast to see the Indian Summer and the colors. Both dogs behave great and are the perfect travel companions.


July 13, 2009

Worf grows up over night. His behavior towards people is impeccable. He no longer tries to intimidate, but is suddenly confident and controlled.


January 2009

Jadzia-Judy from Hedberg arrives in Washington DC. Such a cute little mouse. She was a little more affected than Worf was a few years ago, but after a few days everything is fine with her too.